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ST37 in CES Las Vegas 2022

Carlos Pineda

We participate for the third consecutive time in the most important technological event in the world. We are proud to say that we presented ourselves at the CES in Las Vegas as the startup that brought in its first presentation the robotic intelligent cameras for video refereeing in fencing. In our second participation, which was developed virtually due to the global scenario generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we presented an online video platform with AI for fitness challenges. This time, in our third participation, we bring an AI powered device that has made us proud because it is the compilation of our research and development for many years.

For this year 2022, the most relevant topics discussed in this important event are Artificial Intelligence (AI), IoT, startups, product design & manufacturing, automotive, sports, among others. Approximately 2,200 exhibitors came to this meeting from 159 countries and we are glad to be part of the companies that today are innovating to create a better world.

We are a startup that develops intelligent and automated video analysis solutions using the functionalities of Artificial Intelligence, No Code, and robotic cameras to monitor, alert and analyze all kinds of movements in-depth, objectively, and in real-time. We offer an intelligent virtual assistant that sees and interprets for all its users to make well-informed decisions.

The AI powered device integrates video and key data flows into our intelligent video analytics solution to generate wide-ranging benefits for different sports disciplines, the world of events, and now for industrial sectors. In the latter field, which was our major development during 2021, we have been working with promising results to apply in different use cases. This solution has shown us that industrial sectors need a tool that provides them with information for decision-making like for instance on-site safety assistance.

The democratization and simplification of Artificial Intelligence

Our mission is based on the democratization and simplification of Artificial Intelligence through an intelligent assistance in real-time to help decision making and improvement. This is why we are very clear that innovation must be part of our daily lives. In our participation during these 3 years in the #CES, it has allowed us to show the world our solutions and become a differentiator in the world supported by technology and innovation.

We are part of the generation of innovative companies and we want to continue contributing to sports, industrial sectors, and different companies that want to improve their performance through artificial intelligence. Keep in touch with the development of CES and together let's live the innovation that each company is bringing to the world through this event.

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